Heavy Metals are at the root cause of so many health problems, diseases.
Allergies, ALS, Asthma, Arthritis, Alzheimer's, Autoimmune Diseases, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Cancer, Autism, ADHD, Colitis, Anxiety, Obesity, Diabetes, Insomnia, Infertility, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Hypothyroidism, Hypometabolism, Hyperthyroidism, Vision problems, Interstitial Cystitis, Multiple Sclerosis, Adrenal exhaustion, Parkinson Disease, Lupus, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Sciatica, Food Intolerances, Candida/Yeast, Viruses, Lyme, Mold, Bacterial infections, Lymphatic issues.
Heavy metals disrupt protein synthesis, function and block enzyme activity. They can dysregulate hormone signalling, conversion and production, including dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system and nervous system. Heavy metals block and inhibit the cellular communication of the immune system causing immune suppression.
It is widely known that there is a need to check for different forms of Heavy Metal toxicity as it is mentioned in the medical textbooks under most major diseases. You need to learn to be your own doctor and take responsibility for your own health decisions. Your body tells you everything, and if metabolic issues are sorted out early enough you will avoid serious long term health problems that can end up being serious future diseases.
My health problems started 17 years ago with gout type symptoms in my big toe. Nine years later I had Seronegative Spondylitis and about 50 other health problems and I was rapidly deteriorating. I wish I had been able to find someone who could help me identify what was going on back then and I would have been able to recover quite quickly.
Heavy Metal detoxification is as much about what not to do, as what to do-get it wrong and things can go very badly, get it right and you improve at a linear rate, with possibly some ups and downs along the way. It is very important to listen to your body and not doing any therapy or treatment that will cause permanent cell damage.
Factors that need to be considered to optimize a detox program are covered in my E-book are: